Deep Coaching Immersion

Unlock the Power of Deep Transformative Coaching: A Journey to the Deeper Self

Dive deep into the art of authentic coaching with the Deep Coaching Immersion program.

About the Program

During this remarkable moment in history, there’s a quiet revolution happening—a revolution within the human spirit. Many of us are waking up with the realisation that there’s more to this life than the surface-level existence we’ve known. 

We’re seeking deeper meaning, greater fulfilment, and a profound connection with ourselves and the world around us.

Awakening is often described as a transformational process, but it brings its own set of challenges for individuals and humanity. 

This shift in perspective can be disorienting, as you question and reevaluate your beliefs, goals, and purpose. 

There’s a need for healing and finding your place in the world, as the values that were important to you in the past are no longer important.

Perhaps along your journey, you’ve felt a call within to be of service to others in a way that feels meaningful and fulfilling to you

In some indigenous cultures, it’s believed that you have not fully healed until you’ve taken on the role of a teacher or healer in the community.

Deep coaching is a new approach to healing which blends timeless wisdom principles with modern coaching tools; empowering you to help others navigate the complexities of today, reconnecting with their authentic selves, and cultivating deep resilience and purpose.


What you'll learn

Deep Coaching Immersion Program is a transformative program designed for coaches, entrepreneurs, leaders, and anyone interested in mastering the art of deep coaching.

This course goes beyond the basics, providing you with the tools, techniques, and insights to become a highly effective deep coach who can facilitate profound change in your clients.

  • Deep Coaching Philosophy: Explore advanced coaching methods to help your clients achieve their goals and overcome challenges.
  • A Journey to the Deeper Self: Understand the way of change happens and how to guide your clients through transformational journeys.
  • Deeper Communication: Master the art of deep listening and powerful questioning to build strong client-coach relationships.
  • Deeper Self-Discovery: Discover your own coaching style and personal strengths as a coach.
  • Ethical Practices: Learn about ethical coaching practices and guidelines to ensure you provide the highest level of service to your clients
  • Live interaction: Real-world coaching scenarios to gain practical insights into various coaching approaches.
  • Community: Become part of a community of deep coaches

Who is it for?

  • Coaches and aspiring coaches
  • Conscious entrepreneurs
  • Authentic leaders and change-makers
  • Therapists and counsellors
  • HR professionals
  • Anyone looking to enhance their coaching ability

Course Details

  • Duration: 10 weeks
  • Format: Online sessions and interactive workshops
  • Certification: Deep Coaching Certificate upon completion

Join Us

Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a transformational journey of learning and growth. Reserve your spot today.

Next Cohort Starts: 29th January 2024
Limited Seats Available

Click the ‘Apply Now’ button below to start your application for the upcoming program.